Transformational Policing is based on Police Community Partnerships. Scroll down to see what community members have to say about the Transformational Policing Model Training.
Line Level Police
Line Level Officers make up most of the police force. They are the ones who are out in the line of duty every day. Scroll down to see what line level police have to say about the Transformational Policing Model Training.
Command level Police
The support of command staff is vital to Transformational Policing Model training. Scroll down to see what command level police have to say about the Transformational Policing Model Training.
Community is a Vital Part of TPM Training
Transformational Policing is based on Police Community Partnerships. See what the community members have to say about it.

The police officers attending this class have a better understanding of the experiences and historic injustices which have formed this distrust of police. Many barriers I feel have been removed and all in this class understand each other much better. This class has been a great success and will help police to better serve community for all and the community understands police officers much better.
Community Member
TPM has increased my empathy to law enforcement. Professionally, the case studies and legal analysis allowed me to see the bigger picture and the need for the community (my community) to be educated and will show us how to bridge the 305 years of distrust. Using …[TPM]… will help law enforcement successfully restore positive relationship by building trust within the communities of color.
Community Member
TPM has opened my eyes to the cultural aspects contributing to the distrust built between police agencies and members of society based upon unconscious bias. Coming into the class I was a bit closed minded due to previous courses based on racial divides. Once I lowered my defensive wall, I experienced what the class was intended for, gaining understanding and experiences of others in the field and community members.
Community Member
Line Level Police Officers
Line Level Officers make up most of the police force. They are the ones who are out in the line of duty every day. See what they have to say about the Transformational Policing Model Training.

I believe little steps like Transformational Policing Model educating about the history of policing and mixing officers in a class with members of society helps bridge the gap.
Line Level Officer
TPM has opened my view on the importance of understanding the views the community of color has on policing. Will allow me to consider these views when making professional tactical decisions. The training as great and I am very happy to be a part of this process.
Line Level Officer
I enjoyed this class; it opened my eyes to many things and at least gave me a new perspective. Training together with the community is vital. Training together allows a better understanding of the other’s views and beliefs, which can clear up some of the misconceptions.
Line Level Officer
Command Level Police
The support of command staff is vital to Transformational Policing Model training. See what the Command Level Police have to say about the Transformational Policing Model Training.

The training was fantastic, moving, impactful, and overall powerful! The learning and depth of the conversations were inspiring. It was exciting to be a part of this training. In almost 15 years in local government, I’ve never participated in something of this magnitude.
Command Level Police
This should be a mandatory for every officer. I wish I had this training 30-years ago. I would have been a better cop. By far the best 2-day course ever. I appreciate what you are doing to help us all be better human beings. Class was very well done!
Command Level Police
This training was well organized, informative and well worth the time. I felt this could be a 40-hour class where more discussion could be benefit everyone and stronger relationships could be developed. The instructor was well versed in the subject and brought credibility to law enforcement and the community.
Command Level Police