Our executive consultants combine more than 90 years of law enforcement, military, government, and academic experience. Proven expertise to analyze, evaluate, and synchronize internal and external factors such as Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion that impact operational police-community success and promote true positive police partnerships. TEC Executive Consultants are retired police chiefs: Chief Lyle Martin, and Chief Tommy W. Tunson

Dr. Tommy Tunson (Chief of Police, Retired)
- Professor of Criminal Justice
- 32 years in law enforcement, including more than 10 years of experience as a police chief
- U.S. Army Homeland Defense/ Homeland Security assignments
- Executive Leadership Consultant & creator of TEC and author of TPM
- U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel (retired) with more than 33 years of military service
- Legislative Assistant
- Bilingual in Spanish and English
- California POST Training Course Certificates- Executive, Management, & Supervisory Level Certificates
- FBI Law Enforcement Executive Development Course (LEEDS)
- U.S. Secret Service Executive Protection Course
- Education- Doctor of Business Administration, Juris Doctor, Masters’ Public Administration, & Bachelor of Science
- Dr. Tunson is the author of two books, “The Color of Power (COP) published by IUniverse and “Transformational Policing Model (TPM) Bridging the Racial Divide” Published by Kendall-Hunt.

Chief Lyle Martin (Retired)
- 3 years Chief of Police Bakersfield Police Department
- 1-year Chief Investigator Kern County District Attorney’s Office
- 32 years of law enforcement experience
- California POST Training Course Certificates- Executive, Management, & Supervisory Level Certificates
- Part-time faculty California State University Bakersfield
- Adjunct Faculty Bakersfield College
- Developer/Instructor California POST approved course Creating a Culture of Accountability.
- California POST Command College Graduate
- Doctor of Management (In progress, ABD) Master’s Degree in Business Administration

Brook Owen; Executive Administrator/Business Manager
- Bachelor in Communications; Organizational Leadership
- 9 years of Customer Success Experience
- Project Management Expert
- Transformational Policing Model Certified