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The TPM course aims to bridge the racial divide in policing and restore trust, healing, and professionallegitimacy between the police and the communities they serve. It provides a strategic tool for analyzing thehistorical impact of distrust and offers a forum for positive recommendations in an educational trainingenvironment.
Restore Trust
Address the historical origins of distrust in America and explore pathways to restoring trust through TPM.
Collaborative Training
Implement a two-prong approach involving Collaborative Community Cultural Coaching (C4) and Community Criminal Justice Education (CCJE).
Educational Insight
Examine key concepts such as implicit bias, criminal and constitutional law analysis, and police reform.
Report Analysis
Analyze key documented reports, including The President’s Task Force Final Report of 2015 and the U.S. Department of Justice Ferguson PD Investigation Report.
System Understanding
Review the roles and responsibilities of the American Criminal Justice System.
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
o Students will demonstrate an understanding of the historical analysis of distrust in America.
o Students will demonstrate an understanding of the importance of TPM’s two-prong approach.
o Students will exam the implications of implicit bias, and demonstrate an understanding of criminal and constitutional law, and police reform.
o Students will conduct analysis of key reports and studies.
o Students will review of the American Criminal Justice System.
Police-Community Partnership Joint Training Classes
Class Description
This class examines the historical analysis of police distrust in American society and 21st Century conflicts between police and the communities they serve. TPM provides awareness into the sensitive & polarizing issues of race related conflictions.
TPM Audience
TPM is highly recommended for community members, law enforcement, government, and school officials. The historical aspects of TPM will benefit everyone no matter the profession, career pathway, or social status. Tunson, (2020).
Basic Course Structural Format
2-days of training, 8-hours per day, totaling 16 hours. 0800 – 1700 hours. The course is designed as a 50/50 training session, 50% community members or students, and 50% law enforcement.
Registration: Classes are forming across the United States at local law enforcement agencies and civic governments.
Peace Officer Standards Training certification is available.
Bridging the Racial Divide
Transformational Policing Model is a contemporary 21 st Century training strategy to assist police and community members in forming Positive Police-Community Partnerships (PPCP). TPM focuses on a true paradigm shift in policing. One of those shifts is to narrate a transition from “Warrior” to “Guardian”. A concept introduced in the 2015 President’s Final Task Force Report on 21 st Century Policing.
It is an obligation of organizations to train and prepare 21 st Century Police Officers for the risks and hazards in this truly noble profession. One cursory viewed training topics is daily interactions with the public. To be effective, our law enforcement officers must see themselves as a part of the community, serving as Guardians, in a true partnership role. Don’t be confused, there are times when a police officer must be a warrior to protect and guard the public.
Sir Robert Peel said it best, “The Police are the Community, and the Community are the Police.” Another key ingredient to partnership is where police and community have confidence in each other. Establishing trust where it has been betrayed or did not exist at all is going to be a significant challenge for the law enforcement profession in the coming years to affect true and lasting change in police-community relations. While challenging, it is not impossible to create a path toward restoring trust.
Transformational Policing Model is highly recommended for community members, law enforcement, government, and school officials. This course is offered in various modalities to include online, zoom, and face to face formats.